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Автор Тема: English language  (Прочитано 28286 раз)

Оффлайн Клеома

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English language
« : 2016-01-03, 22:25:39 »
All questions and answers in English

Оффлайн plantae

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Re: English language
« Ответ #1 : 2017-07-06, 10:50:58 »
Hello, I'm new user and it seems to be there are some sections of the forum i cannot access. Is that because of my user group? what should i do to be able to view them ? Thanks

Оффлайн Ariadne

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Re: English language
« Ответ #2 : 2017-07-06, 11:21:17 »
plantae, to see hidden sections you should have more than 1 message :) The message amount is different depends on the section. I saw messages that I have to have 45 or even 60 messages. So have a pleasant conversation on this forum! ;)

Оффлайн Rogue Rolf

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Re: English language
« Ответ #3 : 2018-05-16, 23:18:56 »
Hello everyone,

I would like to congratulate every user of this forum for the effort they put to get together such beautiful embroidery designs, tutorials, and information.
I need to use google translate extensively to understand some of the topics I'm interested.
As plantae and Ariadne said, I won't be able to see some sections of this forum without a certain number of messages or posts so If I'm gonna post something in the future, please don't blame me for the way I'm gonna express myself since I'll be using google translate.
I think I am fortunate that I found you and I would like to thank you.... so
Thank you!!!
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Оффлайн Маруся

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Re: English language
« Ответ #4 : 2018-05-16, 23:50:14 »
  • Мои вышивальные машинки: VELLES VE 23CW-TSL NEXT, HUSQVARNA Designer Topaz 50, JANOME 350

Магазин дизайнов машинной вышивки Нитки для вышивки

Оффлайн Клеома

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Re: English language
« Ответ #5 : 2018-05-17, 20:45:23 »
Hello everyone,

I would like to congratulate every user of this forum for the effort they put to get together such beautiful embroidery designs, tutorials, and information.
I need to use google translate extensively to understand some of the topics I'm interested.
As plantae and Ariadne said, I won't be able to see some sections of this forum without a certain number of messages or posts so If I'm gonna post something in the future, please don't blame me for the way I'm gonna express myself since I'll be using google translate.
I think I am fortunate that I found you and I would like to thank you.... so
Thank you!!!
Спасибо за приятные слова!
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Оффлайн Rogue Rolf

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Re: English language
« Ответ #6 : 2018-05-18, 08:57:39 »
I don't know exactly where I should put this but maybe someone can help me.
In the section "Contests" is a extraordinarily beautiful design https://embroedery.ru/forum/index.php?board=239.0.
I know to contest is over and I believe that the design is not available anymore. These are the rules usually but is there a way to get this design to embroider on leather ?
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Оффлайн Kitten

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Re: English language
« Ответ #7 : 2018-07-04, 01:22:10 »
I am sorry, I was a long time not in this forum. But now I want to do machine embroidery again. So I am searching for desings. I lost most of my designs I downloaded, because of a broken Laptop.
So I would ask if here is no more download-section, because I can't find them.
Sorry for my terrible english. It is not my mother-Tongue.

Оффлайн Kitten

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thank you - found it - but new question
« Ответ #8 : 2018-07-04, 02:15:17 »

On this site I found "Smilies" - but the links are down. Can anyone / someone help and reload them? I would love to embroider them.
Thank you very much.

Оффлайн E&M

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Re: English language
« Ответ #9 : 2018-07-04, 11:17:33 »
I am sorry, I was a long time not in this forum. But now I want to do machine embroidery again. So I am searching for desings. I lost most of my designs I downloaded, because of a broken Laptop.
So I would ask if here is no more download-section, because I can't find them.
Sorry for my terrible english. It is not my mother-Tongue.

Good afternoon.
The forum has a lot of hidden information to access it you need to dial a certain number of messages.
This opens hidden sections in other topics. Messages can be easily typed by communicating on the forum, exhibiting their works in "Похвастушках" https://embroedery.ru/forum/index.php?board=72.0, you can participate in free and paid joint processes and competitions  https://embroedery.ru/forum/index.php?board=224.0  and so on.
The number of messages required to open the link is indicated as follows.

Оффлайн Kitten

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Re: English language
« Ответ #10 : 2018-07-04, 16:41:50 »
Thank you very much for your answer. Yesterday I found some designs and I felt in love with the "Smilies".  I had bad luck: The links are down. So I asked for a new Upload. Is there someone, who can upload them. And do I have to write a message so someone special?

Оффлайн Kitten

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Re: English language
« Ответ #11 : 2018-07-06, 01:40:04 »
Sorry - is there anyone who can help? My nephew is 7 years old an he love the design with the smillie and batman. I would like to stitch this design to a t-shirt for him. Is it possible to upload these designs for me? My favorite design is the cat.  ag

Оффлайн Kitten

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Re: English language
« Ответ #12 : 2018-07-06, 01:43:25 »
There is another question: I am sorry but I don't speak any russian. So is it ok, to translate my postings with goggle-Translater?
I will do the translation with any site, you prefer. I won't write wrong things - only because I don't speak russian.

Оффлайн Kitten

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Re: English language
« Ответ #13 : 2018-07-06, 01:46:21 »
And another Question: Is there an internet-site who I can see and download crochet oder knitting-Patterns?  I will love to share and download. Do anyone know such a site? Or do I have to ask this question in russian in another part of this forum?

Оффлайн Admin

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Re: English language
« Ответ #14 : 2018-07-06, 11:19:23 »
And another Question: Is there an internet-site who I can see and download crochet oder knitting-Patterns?  I will love to share and download. Do anyone know such a site? Or do I have to ask this question in russian in another part of this forum?
Here section on knitting on our forum

Оффлайн Admin

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Re: English language
« Ответ #15 : 2018-07-06, 11:23:57 »
Sorry - is there anyone who can help? My nephew is 7 years old an he love the design with the smillie and batman. I would like to stitch this design to a t-shirt for him. Is it possible to upload these designs for me? My favorite design is the cat.  ag
Look at the designs in this section
cats - https://embroedery.ru/forum/index.php?topic=235782.msg610597#msg610597

Оффлайн droid

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Оффлайн Natasa

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Re: English language
« Ответ #17 : 2020-03-02, 23:14:33 »
Hello everyone,

I would like to congratulate every user of this forum for the effort they put to get together such beautiful embroidery designs, tutorials, and information.
I need to use google translate extensively to understand some of the topics I'm interested.

Оффлайн Veoldtiz

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Hello world
« Ответ #18 : 2021-04-29, 13:00:30 »
Register или Login:)
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Оффлайн Ady Ferrell

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Looking for cording designs Re: English language
« Ответ #19 : 2021-10-03, 08:27:14 »

I have purchased an embroidery machine with a cording devise.  Does anyone know of some designs that are digitized for this feature?   I was hoping to use it the way it is designed to, but thought it could also be used to build up a design by laying the cording down then stitching on top of it, like for the density of church designs.   Any help would be appreciated.
thank you,
  • Мои вышивальные машинки: renaissance


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